Boat Lift Tanks

Boat lift floats are large air tanks that can be filled with water to submerge them and then re-floated by evacuating the water with air pressure.  All Boat lift floats come with a wall thickness of .375”.  Our boat lift floats were designed initially for manufacturers of boat lifts,  as a mechanism to raise and lower a lift platform.  However,  many individuals have used these floats to build their own boat lifts.

ACE offers a 5-Year Boat Lift Tank Warranty  on all of its manufactured air-filled boat lift tank products to the original owner.

**Den Hartog Industries, Inc. does not recommend use of this product for any other purpose than that of the intended use as described above**


Boat Lift Design

Our boat lift floats come in eight different sizes with round and square bottom designs.  All come with threaded inserts ready for commercial fittings and a large molded-in hole in the bottom for water intake and exhaust.  Molded in mounting slots in the top of each float and molded in grooves make attachment to a boat lift frame easy.


Part No. Weight Dimensions Buoyancy
AT2630-60 85 26 x 30 x 60 1000
AT3030-72SQ 104 30 x 30 x 72 2150
AT3030-90 130 30 x 30 x 90 2000
AT3030-90SQ 160 30 x 30 x 90 2600
AT3240-108 200 32 x 40 x 108 3700
AT3240-108SQ 230 32 x 40 x 108 4500
AT3240-144SQ 300 32 x 40 x 144 6600
AT4848-20SQ 93 48 x 48 x 20 1304

Request a Quote

Use the form below to submit a request for boat lift poly tanks.
We’ll respond with a fair and accurate quote as soon as possible.

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