Free Standing Horizontal

Free Standing Horizontal Bulk Storage Tanks without Sump


Free Standing Leg Tanks are selected when transportable (non DOT regulated) containment is required for indoor or outdoor applications. Leg Tanks are equipped with molded-in legs to support the tank and band locators for tie down. Tanks are manufactured from medium- or high-density polyethylene with U.V. inhibitors and designed for containment of liquids of up to 1.7 specific gravity. Tank walls are translucent for level viewing and equipped with gallon indicators.


Part No. Capacity Description Weight Dimensions Lid Fitting
FS0035-18† 35 Gallon 16 18 x 34 5″ 1″
FS0055-23 55 Gallon 22 23 x 34 x 27 5″ 1″
FS0065-24† 65 Gallon 33 24 x 39 5″ 1″
FS0070-24† 70 Gallon Stackable 37 24 x 39 5″ 1″
FS0125-32 125 Gallon 54 32 x 44 8″ 1″
FS0165-32 165 Gallon 72 32 x 54 8″ 1″
FS0225-38 225 Gallon 87 38 x 52 8″ 2″
FS0325-38 325 Gallon 108 38 x 72 12″ 2″
FS0335-44 335 Gallon 118 44 x 56 16″ 2″
FS0510-57 510 Gallon (Hoops Req.) Elliptical 164 57 x 80 x 39 16″ 2″
FS0535-48 535 Gallon 186 48 x 78 16″ 2″
FS0735-48 735 Gal (Hoops Req.) 252 48 x 103 16″ 2″
FS0925-DW 925 Gal (Hoops Req.) 292 62 x 81 16″ 2″
FS1005-48 1005 Gal (Hoops Req.) 342 48 x 130 16″ 2″
FS1035-78 1035 Gal (Hoops Req.) Elliptical 292 78 x 90 x 52 16″ 2″
FS1065-56W 1065 Gal (Hoops Req.) 342 56 x 105 16″ 2″
FS1300-DW 1300 Gal (Hoops Req.) 427 62 x 114 16″ 2″
FS1610-78 1610 Gal (Hoops Req.) Elliptical 530 78 x 139 x 56 16″ 2″
FS1750-62 1750 Gal (Hoops Req.) 616 62 x 147 16″ 2″
FS1800-2W 1800 Gal (Hoops Req.) multi tanks (2) 580 62 x 149 16″ 2″
FS1850-78 1850 Gal (Hoops Req.) Elliptical 571 78 x 139 x 63 16″ 2″
FS2350-88 2350 Gal (Hoops Req.) Elliptical 920 88 x 146 x 63 16″ 2″
FS2600-2W 2600 Gal (Hoops Req.) multi tanks (2) 850 62 x 212 16″ 2″
FS2750-88 2750 Gal (Hoops Req.) Elliptical 1150 88 x 146 x 70 16″ 2″
FS3250-88 3250 Gal (Hoops Req.) Elliptical 1208 88 x 146 x 79 16″ 3″
FS3750-88 3750 Gal (Hoops Req.) Elliptical 1422 88 x 146 x 91 16″ 3″
FS4200-92 4200 Gallon (Hoops Req.) Elliptical 1648 92 x 195 x 80 16″ 3″
FS4250-88 4250 Gal (Hoops Req.) Elliptical 1617 88 x 146 x 101 16″ 3″

Free Standing Horizontal Bulk Storage Tanks with Sump


Free Standing Leg Tanks are selected when transportable (non DOT regulated) containment is required for indoor or outdoor applications. Leg Tanks are equipped with molded-in legs to support the tank and band locators for tie down. Tanks are manufactured from medium- or high-density polyethylene with U.V. inhibitors and designed for containment of liquids of up to 1.7 specific gravity. Tank walls are translucent for level viewing and equipped with gallon indicators. Skid required to support elevated legs.


Part No. Capacity Description Weight Dimensions Lid Fitting
FM0015-14S† 15 Gallon 13 14 x 30 5″
FM0025-16S† 25 Gallon 15 16 x 34 5″
FM0925-DS 925 Gal (Hoops & Skid Req.) 292 62 x 81 16″ 2″
FM1010-48 1010 Gal (Hoops & Skid Req.) 342 48 x 130 16″ 2″
FM1065-56S 1065 Gal (Hoops & Skid Req.) 342 56 x 105 16″ 2″
FM1300-DS 1300 Gal (Hoops & Skid Req.) 427 62 x 114 16″ 2″
FM1310-62 1310 Gal (Hoops & Skid Req.) 500 62 x 114 x 74 16″ 2″
FM1610-78S 1610 Gal (Hoops & Skid Req.) Elliptical 530 78 x 139 x 58 16″ 2″
FM1750-62S 1750 Gal (Hoops & Skid Req.) 616 62 x 147 16″ 2″
FM1800-2S 1800 Gal (Hoops & Skid Req.) multi tanks (2) 580 62 x 149 16″ 2″
FM1850-78 1850 Gal (Hoops & Skid Req.) Elliptical 571 78 x 139 x 67 16″ 2″
FM2350-88S 2350 Gal (Hoops & Skid Req.) Elliptical 920 88 x 146 x 63 16″ 2″
FM2600-2S 2600 Gal (Hoops & Skid Req.) multi tanks (2) 850 62 x 212 16″ 2″
FM2750-88S 2750 Gal (Hoops & Skid Req.) Elliptical 1150 88 x 146 x 70 16″ 2″
FM3200-2S 3200 Gal (Hoops & Skid Req.) multi tanks (2)/ Elliptical 1100 88 x 172 x 74 16″ 2″
FM3250-88S 3250 Gal (Hoops & Skid Req.) Elliptical 1208 88 x 146 x 79 16″ 3″
FM3750-88S 3750 Gal (Hoops & Skid Req.) Elliptical 1422 88 x 146 x 91 16″ 3″
FM4200-92 4200 Gal (Hoops Req.) Elliptical 1648 92 x 195 x 80 16″ 3″
FM4250-88S 4250 Gal (Hoops & Skid Req.) Elliptical 1617 88 x 146 x 101 16″ 3″

Hoops and Skids




Part No. Capacity Weight Dimensions
FS048-HP 735 Gal Hoops Set of 3 1.315 OD
FS062-HP-925 925 Gal Hoops Set of 2 1.66 OD
FS062-HP-1300 1300 Gal Hoops Set of 3 1.66 OD
FS062-HP-1750 1750 Gal Hoops Set of 4 1.66 OD
FS062-HP-1800C 1800 Gal Hoops Set of 4 1.66 OD
FS062-HP-2600C 2600 Gal Hoops Set of 6 1.66 OD
FS0055-HP 55 Gal Hoops Set of 2 1.25 OD
FS0510-HP 510 Gal Hoops Set of 3 1.315 OD
FS1005-HP 1005 Gal Hoops Set of 4 1.315 OD
FM1010-HP 1010 Gal Hoops Set of 4 1.315 OD
FS1035-HP 1035 Gal Hoops Set of 3 1.66 OD
FS1065-HP 1065 Gal Hoops set of 3 1.315 OD
FS1065-BAF 1065 Gal Baffle Kit 38
FS1610-HP 1610 Gal Hoops w/o sump Set of 4 1.66 OD
FS1610-HPJ 1610 Gal Hoops w/J Bolts Set of 4 1.66 OD
FM1610-HP 1610 Gal Hoops w/sump Set of 4 1.66 OD
FS1850-HP 1850 Gal Hoops w/o sump Set of 4 1.66 OD
FS1850-HPJ 1850 Gal Hoops w/J Bolts Set of 4 1.66 OD
FM1850-HP 1850 Gal Hoops w/sump Set of 4 1.66 OD
FS2350-HP 2350 Gal Hoops Set of 4 1.90 OD
FS2750-HP 2750 Gal Hoops Set of 4 1.90 OD
FM3200-HP 3200 Gal Hoops Set of 4 1.66 OD
FS3250-HP 3250 Gal Hoops Set of 4 1.90 OD
FS3250-LAD 3250 Ladder 56 16 x 78
FS3750-HP 3750 Gal Hoops Set of 4 1.90 OD
FS3750-LAD 3750 Ladder 62 16 x 90
FS4200-HPFS-92 4200 Gal Hoops with Feet 37
FS4250-HP 4250 Gal Hoops Set of 4 1.90 OD
FS4250-LAD 4250 Ladder 68 16 x 100
FS0925-SK 925 Gal Skid 280 61 x 64
FM1010-SK 1010 Gal Skid 409 53 x 115
FM1065-SKS 1065 Gal Skid w/sump 280 61 x 78
FS1065-SKW 1065 Gal Skid w/o sump 200 59 x 100
FS1300-SK 1300 Gal Skid 450 64 x 104
FM1310-SKC 1310 Gal Skid Center Drain 450 64 x 105
FM1310-SKE 1310 Skid End Sump 450 64 x 100
FM1610-SKC 1610 or 1850 Gal Skid Center Drain 490 83 x 107
FM1610-SKE 1610 or 1850 Gal Skid End Sump 490 83 x 112
FS1610/1850-SK 1610 OR 1850 Gal Skid 750 79 x 134.5
FS1750-SK 1750 Gal Skid 604 64 x 138
FS1800-SKW 1800 Gal Skid w/o sump 382 64 x 125
FM1800-SKS 1800 Gal Skid w/sump 580 64 x 125
FS2350/3250-SK 2350, 2750, 3250 or 4250 Gal Skid w/o sump 1078 88 x 141
FM2350/3250-SKC 2350, 2750, or 3250 Gal Skid Center Sump 1060 88 x 141
FM2350/3250-SKE 2350, 2750 or 3250 Gal Skid End Sump 1060 88 x 141
FS2600-SK 2600 Gal Skid 900 64 x 201
FM3200-SK 3200 Gal Skid 1163 90 x 168
FM4200-SKC 4200 Gal Skid Center Drain 1454 92 x 189
FM4200-SKE 4200 Skid End Drain 1454 92 x 189
FS4200-SKO 4200 Gal Skid 1454 92 x 189
Part No. Capacity Weight Dimensions

Powder-Coated Steel Bands with J-Bolts

*FS0035-SB and FS0065-SB bands are stainless steel. Stainless is available on other sizes.


Part No. Capacity Weight Dimensions
FS0035-SB†* 35 Gallon Kit Silver 18 ga. 2 x 45
FS0065-SB†* 65 Gallon Kit Silver 18 ga. 2 x 61
FS125/165-SBPJ† 125/165 Gallon Kit Black 14 ga. 3 x 80
FS225/325-SBPJ† 225/325 Gallon Kit Black 14 ga. 3 x 95
FS0335-SBPJ† 335 Gallon Kit Black 14 ga. 3 x 110
FS0535-SBPJ† 535 Gallon Kit Black 14 ga. 3 x 120
Part No. Capacity Weight Dimensions

Powder-Coated Formed Steel Bands with Feet




Part No. Weight Dimensions Kit
FS0035-SBPF† 8 2 x 47.5 35 Gallon Kit Black
FS0065-SBPF† 12 2 x 67 65 Gallon Kit Black
FS125/165-SBPF† 16 2.5 x 84.5 125/165 Gallon Kit Black
FS225/325-SBPF† 19 2.5 x 99.5 225/325 Gallon Kit Black
FS0335-SBPF† 34 2.75 x 116.5 335 Gallon Kit Black
FS0535-SBPF† 36 2.75 x 125 535 Gallon Kit Black
Part No. Weight Dimensions Kit

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