Gusseted Top Vertical Tanks

Gusseted Vertical Tanks are free standing with a flat bottom for indoor or outdoor installations. Tanks are manufactured from medium-density polyethylene with U.V. inhibitors and designed for containment of liquids of up to 1.5 specific gravity. Tank walls are translucent for level viewing and equipped with gallon indicators.


View technical drawings by clicking on the part number below.


Part No. Capacity Weight Dimensions Lid Fitting Specific Gravity
GV1050-86 1050 Gallon 177 86 x 50 16″ 2″ 1.5
GV1350-86 1350 Gallon 209 86 x 62 16″ 2″ 1.5
GV1500-86 1500 Gallon 230 86 x 69 16″ 2″ 1.5
GV1650-86 1650 Gallon 257 86 x 74 16″ 2″ 1.5
GV4995-142 4995 Gallon 952 142 x 97 16″ 3″ 1.7
GV7000-142 7,000 Gallon 1752 142 x 127 16″ 3″ 1.7
GV10500-2500 10,500 Gallon 2502 142 x 179 16″ 3″ 1.5
GV10500-2800 10,500 Gallon 2802 142 x 179 16″ 3″ 1.7
GV12500-142* 12,500 Gallon 3402 142 x 208 16″ 3″ 1.7
GV15500-142 15,500 Gallon 4002 142 x 253 16″ 3″ 1.7
Part No. Capacity Weight Dimensions Lid Fitting Specific Gravity

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